Providing Life Science Products and Service Solutions

Planet B.io has a collaboration agreement with VWR for chemicals and consumables frequently used by Planet B.io residents. As part of the agreement, all Planet B.io residents have access to discounts on chemicals and consumables.
As a distribution channel of Avantor, a Fortune 500 company, VWR provides access to business-critical product and service solutions in the Life Sciences and other regulated industries, including biotechnology. VWR’s mission is to set science in motion to create a better world.
Latest news
Planet B.io is a busy community, we are constantly developing and so are our collaborators, residents and members. To keep everyone updated we write articles and organise events. Take a look!

Sharing lab equipment at Planet B.io: A collaboration between ExCulture and Nature’s Principles
One of the many benefits of being part of the Planet B.io community is the opportunity for startups to collaborate and share resources, optimizing costs and accelerating progress. A great example of this is the recent collaboration between ExCulture and Nature’s Principles, which centers around sharing a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) machine.

Why DAB.bio chose to establish itself at Planet B.io
In Success Stories, we spotlight some of our favorite Residents who have made a lasting impact within the Planet B.io community. We kick off with DAB.bio, which develops and deploys cutting-edge fermentation technology.

Unlocking the power of fungi: Myconeos' journey in innovation
Myconeos is revolutionizing the way we harness fungi for food and beyond. At its core, the company specializes in breeding new fungal strains using proprietary sexual crossing technology, enabling the creation of unique strains for cheese, plant-based foods, and even natural colorants.